On Tuesday 9th March, Wellingtonians gathered at Creative HQ to discuss the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2015, New Zealand (NZ) joined countries around the globe by signing up to the United Nations SDGs. They are a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

First, we heard from Bridget Williams who runs Bead and Proceed - a social enterprise educating people about the 17 SDGs through workshops and creativity. She referred to our history of sustainable development and the importance of the SDGs for future generations. Next, Girol Karacaoglu and Maria DaRocha reiterated the importance of these goals for our future, and highlighted their Victoria University tool - https://www.sdg.org.nz - to track NZ's progress. We learnt that despite our clean and green image, NZ could be doing more on many environmental fronts.
We had four key actions:
Sign our petition to adopt the SDGs in Aotearoa;
Purchase Girol's book: Love you - public policy for intergenerational wellbeing
Get behind our Bead and Proceed mural / raffle
Follow the Narrative Imperative campaign
Like Auckland, we also encourage you to ask your workplace how they are incorporating the SDGs. Thanks to all those who joined us!